When you combine Family, Power, Wealth, and Romance the is bound to be some drama, steam, and betrayal...
These journeys started 9 years ago with Mastermind Delaney Diamond and the Unforgettable title. This was a great series and recommend them for your reading pleasure!
If you haven't had a chance to meet them now is a good time.
If you're new to the series, click the link below to grab them all
If you just want to savor one family member at a time, I got you covered...
Unforgettable: Ivy Johnson is stunned when Lucas Baylor makes an appearance at her family’s event in Seattle. Avoiding him is a must. She can’t let him uncover her secret, but Lucas won’t be denied.
Perfect: Cyrus Johnson is rich, powerful, and used to getting his way. When his estranged wife shows up at his office demanding a divorce once and for all, he not only refuses, he makes a demand of his own.
Just Friends:Alannah Bailey is tired of being the boring best friend of Trenton Johnson and decides on a makeover. After the changes, she starts dating, but instead of being happy, Trenton wants to keep her under lock and key.
The Rules: Terri Slade learned the hard way to play by her own set of rules. Rule number one, maintain control. Rule number two, never fall in love. Then she met Gavin Johnson and broke both her rules.
Good Behavior: For years, Xavier Johnson rejected his family’s wealth and dedicated his life to helping others, earning him the nickname, “the good one.” Yet underneath the cordial exterior beats the heart of a Johnson, and this Johnson wants Diana Cambridge.
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