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Dancing into the anthology is author Angela Seals!  Her fellow BE co-founders sometimes call her their MIA Queen ( she’s been known to pop in and out before you can catch her on social media), I tend to agree with that🤗  But, to know her is to love her and she won’t be missing in action for this weekend extravaganza!

She brings to the stage the mysterious, no last name Nicholas…….

When Nicholas gets a call from Mama Peaches to come back home for a neighborhood bachelor auction, he really doesn’t want to do it. But who can say no to Mama Peaches? In order to save himself from the claws of women placing bids at the auction, this bachelor comes up with a scheme…

Despite how things ended, Nicholas has always held a torch for his old high school fling, Raina Jones. So, who better to bid on him than a woman he trusts? But not with his heart! She’s a safe bet, which makes her the best bet. So he thinks.



Angela Seals is an award-nominee, Chicago native with an awesome imagination for storytelling. Her novels offer real life issues and compelling love affairs. Angela’s novels speaks to her readers desire to find love by providing life, imagery and words to their thoughts and fantasies. These dynamic stories derived from her love of reading, which began in her early teens. It was during this time that she started reading short stories, and soon moved into romance novels.

However, out of her love for all genres grew her alter-ego, Angel de Amor. Manifested from the edgy characters floating around in her head that could not be contain, Angel de’ Amor was born to dominate her love for her fiery contemporary romance stories. Angela continue to write under both names to offer her readers a variety of stories filled with temptation and forbidden love affairs.

Angela loves connecting with her readers and quenching their thirst for suspense. Currently, she is hard at work on her next dynamic and sultry story.

Check out Angela’s/Angel books: His Betrayal Her Lies Kept Secrets Love at Center Court

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